In order to build a successful brand, you need to have a firm foundation. Without the proper pillars in place, your business will eventually crumble. There are essential pillars that every entrepreneur should focus on when growing their brand. These pillars are critical to your success and must be nurtured if you want to see long-term success.
I’m excited to share this week’s guest, Amanda Shuman, Founder & Lead Designer of Carrylove Designs. She will be sharing with us all about the pillars to growing a profitable brand and the right time to invest.
Main Topics:
- The right time to invest in branding
- The three levels of business
- The difference between a functioning website and a good website
Key Takeaways:
- The 4-pillars of branding: messaging, design, website, and marketing
- Why a "pretty logo" doesn't matter
- The difference between a functioning website and a good website
- How to re-position yourself in the market
Everyone knows that detoxing is good for you, but what benefits does it actually have? Detoxing can help improve your mood, increase your energy, and boost your immune system. It can also help you lose weight and keep your body healthy.
I’m excited to welcome guest, Tim James, Owner & CEO of Chemical Free Body who will be sharing all about the power of detoxing & gut health, therefore improving sleep, as well as, reducing pain and inflammation naturally.
Main Topics:
- The power of detoxing & gut health
- How to improve sleep naturally
- How to reduce pain & inflammation naturally
Key Takeaways:
- Why breathwork is important
- Why Clean Restructured Water is important
- My Core 4 Secrets
As business owners we are always looking for new ways to expand operations. You may be wondering how to take the next step and go about diversifying your business. Diversification can be a great way to protect your business from downturns in any particular market, and it can also help you tap into new markets and opportunities.
I’m so excited to share today’s guest, Whitney Eckis, Founder of Get Supr / Eckis Marketing. She will be sharing all about how to not be afraid to diversify gigs, how to expand your time and investments to make more money and how to build a strong team to create more focus for your time.
Main Topics:
- How to not be afraid to diversify gigs.
- How to expand your time + investments to make more money.
- How to build a strong team under you to create more time for yourself.
Key Takeaways:
- Prioritize your schedule
- Don't be afraid to take a chance
- Set clear boundaries
There is no question that as entrepreneurs, we must constantly be growing and evolving. But sometimes it's tough to shift our mindset as we grow. Today’s guest, Kacia Fitzgerald, PODCASTER | SPEAKER | CEO of EmpowerHER Podcast & SheGoes Co. is sharing the mindset shifts: qoing from Google to a full time Entrepreneur making 500k+ a year.
Main Topics:
*The mindset shifts: qoing from Google to a full time Entrepreneur making 500k+ a year
*What growing my podcast to over 3 million downloads in 2 years has taught me about authenticity & purpose